Envision what your life would be like with a strengthened connection to God through Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit in you – surrounded by those desiring the very same in their own hearts.
Are you a committed believer desiring to listen more deeply to Jesus and grow your relationship with God, but you often feel drained and discouraged in your prayers? Do you sometimes wonder if God is even listening?
Are you tired of trying to serve God as best as you can only to end up worn out and empty?
Are you tired of feeling like someone who has to work so hard to get God’s attention?
Are you ready to receive more belief from Jesus, allowing Him to root and establish your heart further in His love?
Are you wanting to practice who you are in Jesus, while seeing God for who He reveals Himself to be, in order to free your heart further and increase your connection to God and to yourself at the same time?
Then this group coaching was prayerfully designed for you.
Group coaching may be something that you're not familiar with. It is different than a Bible study or an accountability group in that we deep dive into the application, into the relational practice of uniting our heart with God's heart. It is our calling to give you the tools & support you need, as well as a safe place, to spend 70 days pursuing and receiving intentional growth.
Hi there! We are Jeff and Ariel Anderton and it is our mission to support believers like you know, grow, and own their hearts, so that they live life more and more fully from their freedom in Jesus.
It is our calling to help believers find the places of disconnection in their hearts that stifle God’s love and truth and reconnect them to their real identities in Jesus, so that they are revitalized in every aspect of their lives.
We want to invite you to come with us as we seek to intentionally deepen our connection with God and transform every single aspect of our lives.
We love every day that we get to spend doing this good work God has prepared for us, but this wasn’t always the case for us.
We had both been believers for 30+ years, having met and married while in seminary. We consistently prayed, knew our scripture, and participated in church beyond just attending Sunday services.
But the scary question we didn’t know how to face was, “Why is there a difference between what we know to be true and what we’re feeling deep down in our hearts?”
Our turning point came when we learned there was security for our hearts to explore that question.
Jesus makes it safe in Him to not be fully whole-hearted yet, to be in process.
Now our relationship with God is the promised place of peace and refreshment each day. We have learned that Jesus longs for us to bring our incomplete beliefs and fears to him, so we can receive His love, life, and presence in those wounded and scared places.
If you told us a few years ago we would feel this secure and loved by God in our own hearts BEFORE we died and fully entered heaven, then we would not have believed you. It seemed less and less likely as life experiences piled up on us like heavy baggage.
One of the tangible turning points for us came when I, Ariel, was reading about David. I saw how David interacted with God with such confidence and that God heard him and answered him as he made decisions and acted in his life. That’s what I wanted with God.
Most of my prayers up until this point did not seem to have an impact on my life. I prayed because I knew generally that it was a significant part of being a Believer, but it was far from the rich, relevant, and personal dialogue I saw David having with God.
Sometimes when I prayed, I saw a picture in my mind, a memory would come up, or something particular around me would catch my attention. Sometimes I would dream vividly at night.
This is where I used to get stuck. I would spin in uncertainty assuming that things coming up in me were probably tainted with sin and distractions, or I would dismiss them as irrelevant to connecting with God.
But I was leaving out the Holy Spirit in me. After a first believing “yes” to Jesus, there was good in me to listen to and value inside my heart with God’s Spirit there. I can trust my heart because He is there with me.
I began shifting my prayer time to include more listening, expecting God to be responding to me during prayer within my heart. I intentionally wrote down both my questions or dilemmas and any impressions I heard or felt during my listening time.
As Jeff and I began listening together and writing down what came to us, we saw how our heart posture of belief in God being One who speaks to us and our actions from that belief were growing our faith and unifying us in our marriage. We experienced more peace in our decisions and saw more kingdom fruit that was connected to them.
We kept track of these decisions like treasured-memories that we could return to over and over again. They anchored us as tangible evidence when we doubted ourselves or felt lost and discouraged again. We would retell the stories to each other of what we had faced and how God had personally responded.
And now we are called to help hearts, like yours, desiring this growth in God have the same freedom and fruits woven into their journey with Jesus.
We offer this group coaching for your heart – the one ready to follow Jesus securely into the wild places inside themselves and receive more belief in Him. The God, who has given abundant love and life to make this possible and so worthwhile, invites us to lean into this process together.
The goal of group coaching is simple - to help you see yourself in alignment with how God sees you, and for that truth to transform you and how you show up in the world.
We believe in group coaching because we've seen what happens when we dig into our heart and our beliefs with Jesus.
We've seen what happens when Jesus shows up and starts removing the weights that had been holding us down, breaking the disconnection that had been binding our heart, and connecting us back to him in a deeper and truer union.
A union that brings us to a whole new level of freedom, life, and love.
This is an organic journey with Jesus and everyone's journey looks a little different, but they all contain a lot of the same pieces.
So we will give you the pieces, the space, the encouragement, and the support to take this journey with Jesus and with one another.
If this is you, we’d love to serve you.
Within Lowercase Kingdoms Group Coaching, you will receive:
1. Quality, nurturing, and easily digestible recordings (video & audio) formed from our own journey to where God’s heart intersects ours. These recordings will be emailed to you and posted in the Facebook group through the 10 weeks.
2. We will meet in groups on Zoom once a week with both of us to deep-dive into the nooks and crannies of our hearts within the security of God’s heart. The focus on the weekly meetings will be experiencing and living out the truths from the lessons in your day-to-day life.
3. Each meeting is structured from the structure of the Lord’s prayer:
We begin with seeing who God is and seeing who we are in God.
We will then look at our own hearts to increase connection between ourselves and God, listening for where He wants us to go.
There will be times of silent listening and voluntary sharing to receive what God will give us and through each other.
We will close each call with seeing who God is and seeing who we are in God to seal the good things into our heart He just gave us.
4. We will have a private online community for each group to help this to be 70 days of intentional growth and community. This is where we can work to apply, encourage, and pray for one another.
We are also offering a limited One-on-One Level which includes:
The same quality video content in easily digestible videos & audios.
Ten individual 60 min coaching sessions with Ariel and Jeff for custom support as you receive from and dialogue with God.
Voxer access with Ariel and Jeff. Voxer is a great app for text and voice messages that really facilitates connection.
Are you ready to choose and receive more love and freedom for your heart, recognizing Jesus’ life flowing through you and for you more consistently?
S. Lindsey, MS
Working with Ariel has been eye-opening. I finally understand that I am not only 50 years old, but all of the other ages and experiences I have had are still part of who I am. The ah-ha moments that have come out of the carefully crafted questions that Ariel asked me during our sessions have been priceless. She has taught me to be curious about my behaviors and thought patterns. Thank you, Ariel, for using your gifts to Glorify God by helping others to better understand their hearts.
W. Faircloth, FL
Proverbs 4:23 says it best. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
During a season of personal exhaustion and overwhelm, Jeff offered the perfect vehicle to help me rediscover this eternal truth and apply it to my life.
Shortly thereafter, I took the intentional action of ruthlessly eliminating external voices for a short period of time to help me rediscover the still small voice that was deep inside my heart.
Heart-centered work is a process, not a destination. One of unfolding in perfect time.
Jump start your journey by joining Ariel and Jeff in their heart-centered process.
C. Crawford, WA
My scheduled time with Ariel has become a sweet time I look forward to each session. She is ‘listener’ and is especially gifted in summarizing and reflecting back my own words and identifying hidden messages that I hadn’t seen before. There is a world of hidden lies that we each tell ourselves; Lies about our identity, our purpose and value. Ariel helps me to see and address each individual lie and speak truth to these often wounded areas of myself and my own heart. Her approach is gentle but also intensely honest. I don’t feel chided or corrected, just called forth and challenged to walk with new perspective. I leave each session with a sense of freedom that inherently comes with the Truth.
Kristin W., MO
As a client of Ariel’s, I have been blessed to experience a life changing perspective of self. My eyes have been opened to how I was bringing myself down before I would even begin. Knowing my own heart and my desires for the future enable to make more clear and precise decisions each day. Through this increased self-awareness, I am now happier and more satisfied with who I am as a person. And in knowing myself more completely, I feel more full.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you encourage a group setting?
Jesus created us for relationships. We strongly believe that we need other people in order to grow as God intended. We all have blind spots that we cannot see without the help of others. We cannot stress how often we have been oblivious to a lie we were believing or even a blessing we didn’t see until someone else pointed it out to us.
Working with other people to collaboratively create the heart security in Jesus on earth that is available in heaven is the foundation from which all other growth will flow.How is this different from therapy or a Bible study?
We will be using the Bible to guide our time together, but the focus will be more on what is going on inside of our hearts. Coaching provides a safe place to look into those hard places and ask hard questions in the presence of a safe and supportive community. Coaching will deliberately seek connect everything we do to God and His heart for us because the only true safe place is in the presence of God.
Therapy can often help us to make sense of our past and how it is impacting our present. Part of our journey will involve looking at the past, but we want to focus on how we can connect to Love & Life now and walk into our future while deepening that connection.When will the Zoom meetings be scheduled?
We will determine the meeting time after we know who is in the coaching. This will allow us to choose the time that works the best considering all the participants. Recordings will be available for anyone who misses the Zoom meetings or wants to rewatch.Why is there an investment?
The actions we take stewarding the resources God give us reinforces your heart behind the action. Letting you invest in your heart’s union with God is the best investment action you could take. All our hearts benefit around the giving and receiving of resources.