Our Hearts are the very Building Blocks of the Kingdom of God.
We can live in the Kingdom of God now.
We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts, so connecting to our own hearts and connecting to God are inseparable. They go hand in hand.
Our hearts are God’s Kingdom real-estate. The very building blocks of his Kingdom come and coming. When our hearts grow, his Kingdom grows. Our hearts are Lowercase Kingdoms.
Let’s guard them, grow them, and know them.

We are the Andertons
Over the last few years, God has led us on a journey to understand his heart for us and how he views our hearts. He invited us to start looking at our heart the same way that he does, to let his light shine on our past, and to allow him to bring his healing power to so many areas in our lives. It has been an epic journey of experiencing more life, abundant life.
Now we’re combining all that we’ve learned with Jeff’s 15 years of teaching experience and Ariel’s 14 years of counseling experience. We want to share this with you, to give you a new paradigm of deep intimacy and union with God. We want you to be enriched and more alive in every aspect of your life.