Praying for the men
of Jackson

An invitation for men to engage in the battle for the hearts of men in metro Jackson, MS


We are coming together to push back hatred, death, and darkness by bringing the love, life, and light of Jesus into the lives of the men of metro Jackson.

What will this look like?

  • This is something that God has put on my heart and he has invited me to gather a group of men to pray and plan. I have the following loose thoughts, but I am open to what the Lord is going to do.

  • The primary focus is times of prayer focused on corporate prayer, worship, and asking God to open the gates (John 10:3) so that Jesus may come in a reveal himself to men across metro Jackson.

  • In this and future meetings (if Jesus invites us) some or all of us, as led by the Spirit, will plan & execute events and activities to minister to the men of metro Jackson. The express goal is to help them experience God's love for them in a deeper and richer way. This group will encourage and support those events and the event leaders.

When & where will the first meeting be?

This meeting will be Sunday, November 27th from 4 to 6 pm (at the latest) at Fondren Church

Let me know if you are coming by filling out the form below. Can’t come to the first meeting but are still interested? Then fill out the form and let me know.

This is NOT a sign-up for an email list and will only be used to communicate any needed information for this event.

My name is Jeff Anderton and I am the organizer of this event. If you have any questions, then please contact me at