Your Heart Is; Your Heart Is Not (Ep.3)

Our God-imaged Hearts are:

1)     Alive – they move, change, grow, adapt, adjust, shift etc.
2) Good – we have been given a new heart when we said a believing
“yes” to Jesus’ gift. We are united with Jesus and our hearts are good
now. We can trust our hearts.
3) Battling – The war is won but the battles continue within us. We
are divided.
4)     A Place, a location – our hearts is where you live from; it governs
5) Postures – our hearts take positions and ready itself for the task or
action at hand.

Our God-imaged Hearts are NOT:

1)     Feelings
2) Thoughts
3) Meanings and stories
4) Experiences
5) Abilities or Inabilities
6) Dreams and aspirations

However, our heart is under or behind or around these things. These indicators help us know, grow and guard our hearts.


Jeremiah 17:9, 24:7
Ephesians 2:5, 6:12
Zephaniah 3:17

Heart Spaces (ep. 4)

Ariel Anderton