Sample Workflow

Step by Step Animation/Video

Step by Step with Screenshots

Adding a Client to Dubsado

Date: June 29, 2022
Author: Jeff Anderton
Source: Tango

2. Click on Log In

Click on Log In

3. Select the business you want to add the client to

Select the business you want to add the client to

4. Click on Projects

Click on Projects

5. Click on New Project

Click on New Project

6. Type a Project Title

The project title can be whatever you want. It can be the business name or the name of an individual. It can also include the product or service that this project is for.

Type a Project Title

7. Click on Create New Client

Click on Create New Client

8. Type in the name of the person or contact

Type in the name of the person or contact

9. Type the business name (if applicable), email, and phone number

Type the business name (if applicable), email, and phone number

10. Click on Status *…

Click on Status *…

11. Click on Status and select the one that applies

This can always be changed later, so do not stress on this too much

Click on Status and select the one that applies

12. Click on Create Project

This will create the new project and client for you

Click on Create Project

Sample Submission Form